Character Design - Broccolis

Clark and Charly both work in the area 11 of the dome city as safety and cleaning agent. They are responsible to ensure that the level of pollution around the city is maintained to a "safe" level. Clark is highly dedicated to his job and quite optimistic, while Charly is more grounded and jaded. Even if the government of Broccorium ensure their job is safe, Charly remembers the accident that happened few years ago at the sub-dome of Jehova. It cost him more than just a scar on his face.

One day they saw Cecil wandering in the wasteland that surrounds the Dome-City, while she was looking for the Halicon, a device that will lead our 3 heroes to their adventure out of the dome city.

Here are the main characters of the story :  Clark, the caring one, Charly, the jaded and Cecil the fun one.

Here are the main characters of the story : Clark, the caring one, Charly, the jaded and Cecil the fun one.

Some turn-around for the characters.

Some turn-around for the characters.

Some thumbnails. I actually really like designing working uniform.

Some thumbnails. I actually really like designing working uniform.